Cat Anal Glands: What's That Smell?

Cats and many other mammals have special glands called anal glands or sacs located around their rectum. These glands typically go unnoticed until a cat owner smells the secretions from the glands or there is an issue with them. Knowing the purpose of these glands, as well as the potential issues that they can develop, will help you keep your cat happy and healthy.
Cat Anal Gland Anatomy
Both male and female cats have two pea-sized anal glands located around their rectal openings. From the outside, two very small holes on either side of the anal opening may be seen. If the rectal opening was the face of a clock, each anal gland would sit at about five o'clock and seven o'clock around the rectum.
These tiny, visible openings lead to the small, balloon-like anal sacs that are under the skin of a cat. These sacs naturally fill with a foul-smelling fluid that is naturally expressed when a cat defecates. The fluid in the glands is typically a liquid but it can thicken and become gritty, or even chunky, if it is stored for too long in the sacs or there is an underlying issue.
Why Do Cats Have Anal Glands?
Anal glands serve a specific purpose by helping a cat mark its territory. In the wild, cats mark their territory in several different ways, and secreting anal gland fluid is just one way to communicate their presence to other animals.
As a cat defecates, stool naturally pushes against the internal portion of the balloon-like anal gland, which causes it to be squeezed and secrete the anal gland fluid out with the feces. A cat can also manually express their anal glands of frightened, much like a skunk. This is often seen when a stressed cat needs to visit the veterinarian or groomer. The anal gland liquid may spray or just drip out resulting in a foul odor.
Signs of Anal Gland Problems in Cats
Cats may show certain signs of anal gland issues:
- Scooting the hind end on the ground
- Obsessive licking at the rectal opening
- Crying when defecating
- Blood in the feces
- Foul-smelling fluid noted
Cats that have an uncomfortable hind end due to anal gland issues are likely to scoot or drag their hind end on the ground. This may be an attempt to relieve the pressure and discomfort that a cat is experiencing from having full anal sacs. You may smell an odor or see fluid after your cat does this. Obsessive licking at the rectal opening and crying when defecating are also signs that there may be a problem with the glands. Finally, if you see blood in your cat's feces or on the carpet after your cat scoots its hind end, this could be a sign of an anal gland issue as well.
Cat Anal Gland Problems
While most cats do not need help expressing their anal glands, they occasionally need a little help. Manual anal gland expression is not a pleasant experience for the person or the cat, but it can be necessary if they don't drain when a cat defecates.
If the anal glands are not expressed naturally or manually, your cat may experience discomfort, infection, impaction, and potentially even painful anal gland rupture. Cat anal glands may not express on their own for several reasons.
Anal Gland Inflammation
When internal anal gland tissues and/or the duct that normally allows the fluid to empty becomes inflamed. it can become difficult or impossible for the secretions to exit the body.
Anal Gland Infection
The fluid in the anal sacs can harbor bacteria if not regularly emptied. Bacteria will then reproduce and cause an infection which will consequently make the anal gland secretions thickened, bloody, and often unable to exit the gland through the small duct.
Anal Gland Tumors
If a growth or tumor is present in or around the anal gland it may be blocking the anal gland duct, trapping the fluid inside.
Low Fiber Diet
If a cat is not regularly expressing the anal sacs on their own, they may need more fiber in its diet. This will help to add bulk and firmness to the stool so more pressure gets applied to the anal glands as stool exits the body.
Some cats are so overweight that the anal glands are unable to be naturally expressed due to the excess fatty tissue and anatomy of the obese cat. Weight loss is the best course of action for overweight cats who are having issues with their anal glands.
How to Treat Cat Anal Gland Problems
Treatment for cat anal gland problems will depend on the nature of the issue and its severity. In some cases, there's an underlying condition that must be addressed. The veterinarian will conduct a physical examination and attempt to manually express the anal glands. The appearance of the fluid can help your vet make a diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Infected anal glands: The vet may need to flush out the glands and will likely prescribe antibiotics.
- Impacted anal glands: The vet will sedate your cat and remove the contents of the anal glands.
- Ruptured anal glands: These need to be cleaned out under sedation while the pain and infection are also managed.
- Anal gland tumor: Surgery will be necessary to remove it.
- If no inflammation, infection, impaction, rupture, or tumors are found, your cat's weight and diet may need to be addressed to help manage the anal gland issues.
How to Manually Express Cat Anal Glands
Manual anal gland expression is easy to learn how to do, but many cats will not tolerate this at home. If your cat needs this and you want to try it at home, ask a veterinarian about restraint methods, distraction techniques, and exactly how to safely express a cat's anal glands.
Manual pressure is applied to the glands by inserting a finger into the rectum and firmly but gently squeezing the small, balloon-like gland on the edge of the rectal opening. This causes the anal gland secretions to come out.
How to Prevent Cat Anal Gland Problems
Cat anal gland problems can't always be prevented, but you can take steps to reduce the chance of issues.
- Feed a high-quality feline diet.
- Keep cats from becoming overweight.
- Let your veterinarian know if your cat is scooting their rear end or has any inflammation around the rectal area.
- Monitor your cat's stool for diarrhea
- Do not attempt to express the anal glands unnecessarily. Manually expressing anal glands without them needing it can irritate the glands unnecessarily, so it is best to leave them alone unless there's a reason to express them.